Kind and Humble

In the weeks being at school my life has been a complete roller coaster. I’m dealing with new things every corner I turn and my focus jumps from one stress to another. Honestly I told myself that I wouldn’t let this happen and that I would let go…but it’s been hard. On Sunday my mom had sent me a random text to watch a video on Facebook. That week had been so rough and I really didn’t even want to talk to anyone. After her text, I thought to myself that it was going to be another puppy playing with a toy or a cute kid being silly. I told her that I was in the midst of something else and that I would watch it later. Her next text amazed me. She went on to say that she dedicated a song to me and that it made her emotional…but in a good way; a reminiscing kind of way. She said that she was so proud of my achievements and that she had hope for my future. The song was all me. I got curious and listened to it. This hit hart.

“Hold the door, say please, say thank you
Don’t steal, don’t cheat, and don’t lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you’re dreamin’ come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind”

I told her that I cried in the middle of the dining hall because this is exactly what I needed to hear, especially from my mom. My mom has been this stubborn, guiding light in my life whether I like to admit it. She taught me to be fearless and to be the person that I want to portray to the entire world. This always confused me because I never knew who I wanted to be and if I could learn how to be the woman my mom is…my life would be a little more clear. I told her this and her response was, “but honey, you are”. I learned something from this that has kept me so happy even if it has only been a few days. She gave me the strength to confidently be who I am.

If there is something that I could express to every teen, every young adult it would be to create that unfailing bond with your mother. Yes she will drive you crazy. Yes she will make you wish you went to that beautiful school in Cali. Yes she will make you want to break rules and go against every piece of advice she gives. But she will also go to the end of the world for you. She will use her last $5 to buy you what you need. She will drive an hour to you right after work because you forgot your tennis shoes at home. She will be the non-judgmental ear you can spill your heart out to. Mom, thank you for being all that and more for such a messed up kid. I love you.